As Seen On TV!
We recently won a spot on, “featuring the world’s greatest companies, places, and things” and joining the ranks of Coca Cola, Samsung, and NASCAR. Check out the video below! Thanks to the team at World’s Greatest TV Show for having us! Visit them online here!
Silver linings & hopeful thinking
Social changes & working from home. Silver lining? We have been hearing a lot about silver linings in the past week as we watch our governors close all non essential businesses, encourage people to stay home, forbid gatherings, weddings, parties, funerals and encourage a new thing called “social distancing”. We have seen our children homeschooling […]
Standing Guard
Right now and for the foreseeable future, I think that we may all want to be extra careful about things. Not just about our physical health. We also need to protect our minds from Fear. We need to seek and find as much calm and strength as possible. I generally find that in my family, […]
2020 – The Year of Perfect Vision
The best time to write anything – whether it is a blog, an article or a song, is when you feel you have something to say. Something that, for one reason or another, needs to come out. I have found it difficult, or more precisely I have not felt like I had anything I really […]
We’re Doomed! Our New 15 Minute Game (not the state of the world!)
We’re Doomed literally took over PAX EAST for Breaking Games a couple of weeks ago in Boston. This 15 minute game challenges the players to (kind of) work together in order to get enough seats in the “rocket” to get off the planet. Players each play a different “Ocracy” (ie. Democracy, Theocracy, etc.) each with […]