Building your own custom playing cards online
Building your own custom playing cards online is not that easy – but Ad Magic gives you an opportunity to try your hand at it and then we perfect your work. That’s right – we go in there and fix it and make it perfect no matter how you design it.
When clients use our online playing card builder – we take the elements a client has used and center it – rearrange the items to best advantage and create the proper bleeds so that the cards will print perfectly. Prior to printing all jobs are proofed to the client at no charge.
One other very important thing our builder does is that it helps the staff at Ad Magic to see what the client is aiming for so that we can price the job more accurately.
Here are some samples of cards people have built with our custom playing card builder.
Click on each thumbnail of the custom playing cards below to see the entire card.
- Custom vegas playing cards
- custom wedding playing cards
- school custom playing cards
- Fundraising custom playing cards
- custom anniversary playing cards
Tagged as: custom playing card builder, playing card builder