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Custom Playing Cards - Window Boxes

Custom Card Decks drawn by professional illustrators depict fiscal issues

By Shari Spiro

Another of our new clients has developed a unique playing card deck with custom faces to educate the masses on financial corruption and greed – It sort of reminds me of the Fear and Greed game we printed recently – only this is more about the real thing.  While I know more about printing than I do about politics, I do know a well designed deck when I see one.


This political card deck actually endeavors to explain the different types of stories of greed we have been hearing about over the past few years and bring them home to laymen in illustrations and wording anyone can understand.  Currently launched as a campaign  –   this deck has been funded and is being printed as we – well – as I speak.


Regardless of your political inclination – we have printed decks for  republicans – democrats – independents and libertarians – a custom card deck is a great way to get your point across.


Custom face playing cards

52 Shades of Greed card decks

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