Custom Wedding Playing Cards for Wedding Favors
I used to run a wedding band for many years and that was my first experience dealing with brides. We learned original songs for the brides – we learned special song arrangements and one time we did an entire dinner set of acoustic Led Zeppelin during dinner. Consequently, because of that, and because of my own personal experience with weddings, I really don’t need to watch any of those bride shows on television. I know what it is all about.
Every Bride is unique but in some ways every Bride is the same. You may deal with the mom or the groom on the phone or by email- but it all eventually comes down to the bride. Make the bride happy and the wedding (and whatever you are providing for the wedding) – is a success.
So when it comes to the wedding favors it is AMAZING how many people have chosen to use personalized playing cards. I try to distinguish personalized playing cards from customized or custom playing cards as decks for personal use as opposed to playing cards used for promotional purposes or logo playing cards. Wedding playing cards are a personal thing – a reflection of the BRIDE (and the groom) and who they are and will be as a couple and as a married couple.
Before I ever visited Vegas I had already made thousands of decks for couples going to get married there. Even though I had seen pictures of it – nothing prepared me for the reality of Vegas. I am from NJ so we have Atlantic City and I was pretty sure Vegas must be something like that. In retrospect I find that ludicrous. I pictured it completely different – even from the pictures LOL. Nothing is like Vegas – and now I understand why so many young people flock there to get married and they bring custom playing cards with them to give away. The hotels are out of this world, the shows are out of this world, the food is out of this world and the gambling is totally exciting – especially if you are standing (newly educated after taking a free class) at a craps table and you are rolling the dice and making points. Is there anything more exciting in this world ? 🙂
Anyway – we have so many options now when it comes to playing cards for wedding favors that I have decided to blog about it.
The most popular are photo playing cards – where a couple places a photo on the back of the card and regular playing card faces on the front. We often overlay type and the date for these or a special saying unique to the couple. For even more impact we can customize the faces on the decks with photos of the couple. This can even be done on small runs and make great favors or groomsmen’s gifts!
Then we have foil stamp playing cards decks which feature a shiny foil in a couples wedding design or text – and -there are 27 choices of foils and 23 choices of stock color backgrounds for these to fit in with any color scheme or wedding theme.
And of course – then we have regular printed decks which can have any printed design in any number of colors. Small runs are printed on a quality digital playing card press and larger runs may be printed offset on a standard offset printing press for playing cards.
On the small runs – we even offer custom boxes for playing cards in our promotional quality – and for casino quality we offer white window boxes – for 200 decks and up we also now offer black window boxes at no extra charge.
Photos of these can be seen through out the website. Design work for wedding decks is always done at no charge – and we have not ever missed a wedding delivery that was promised.
I think that is probably one of the more important things to consider!!!
Tagged as: custom wedding playing cards, Personalized playing cards, personalized playing cards for weddings, playing cards for wedding favors, wedding favors, wedding playing cards