So…what do you do?
So…what do you do? A few weeks ago Mary from Chitag sent me this list of questions about that and some other unexpected questions. I felt particularly talkative and maybe eve a little inspired that night, and so I answered them pretty quickly. Here is a reprint of that article. I am a huge fan […]
Entrepreneur vs CEO
Generally you start a business of your own because something happens. You get fired. You quit. You have had it with corporate business. You get an idea. You fall into something and love it. Someone closes down the place you are working and hires you to finish the work. Any number of things can happen. […]
Absolute Perfection in Game Making & when a little “Letting Go” is maybe a little OK
Let it go. Let it be. Chill out. Be cool. Hang loose. Take it easy. No matter how you say it – it means the same thing. You should not literally sweat ALL of the small stuff, especially when it comes to certain aspects of tabletop game manufacturing. Yes – your game should and can […]
A recap of some of my travels for – Ad Magic/Breaking Games
Lots of exciting stuff went on in the past year and a half – and a lot of it was due to manufacturing that went on over in China for Ad Magic/ Breaking Games and in Washington State – where we have Ad Magic Print and Play Games. This past year I got to start off my year […]
Growing a Happy Team, not just a Growth Company
I would like to preface this blog by saying that I love my job – and anyone who can say that in the fourth quarter of the year (while running a growth company) and mean it is truly blessed. This is generally the time of year when stress and business take over – and the joy is buried […]