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Custom Playing Cards - Window Boxes

8 sensible gifts of Cards Against Humanity

By Shari Spiro

Well its been an interesting year – and of course -the last half has been spent planning the 8 sensible gifts of Hanukkah printing with Cards Against Humanity. This year I learned how hard it is to actually get Chinese people to take vacations and then write about them – LOL as we did with the Chinese factory workers paid time off. It was a difficult concept to get across to the plant – that the client wanted to PAY them for NOT working! Imagine that!! No one seems to want to pay anyone for not working – at least in my experience. Also I learned that you really CAN package socks flat enough to mail in a regular envelope – as long as they are TUBE socks – because TUBE socks have no pain in the butt heel to get in the way of your nice flat lying sock combo on a backer card 🙂 Small challenge but still a challenge nevertheless! Then I learned that after three days in a row of socks – adoring fans turn into rabid haters. Then on the fourth day – when they finally get something NOT a sock – they turn back to adoring fans again – which teaches us about the “what have you done for me lately” nature of people in general.

You know – I love to write – and blog about the things I do – but sometimes I am SO BUSY I simply cannot do it – and I find – when I do take the time – it often leads to philosophical ruminations. Must be that philosophy class I took.

Things That I Learned

Also – I learned that you CAN get a package to fit 15 cards to lay flat in an envelope too – as long as you make a plastic piece with three separate sections in it – I actually love that and now want people to pitch me 15 card games – so all you game designers out there start working.

I also learned that people get SUPER upset over dumb things – for example the Picasso- it is only a print of one of 50 – not like it is the original OIL PAINTING of a Picasso. Jeez. But the name stirs up all kinds of feelings – and I love watching people get all cranky – just like I love watching them say that the Chinese workers are all fakes. It is entertaining. Its just SO HARD not to respond on Reddit!

Anyway – there are still a few more things to come that are surprises – but I just wanted to say DONT CUT UP THE PICASSO!!!

Haha Happy Holidays Everyone!!

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